“Faith and fairness” is the ultimate ideal in business ethics.
To minimize the loss of quality, environment, safety, and health (QES) by taking the quality,
environment, safety, and health management system as a whole into account, Valueplus analyzes and improves each
element of the individual management policy and declares the following integrated management policy.
Enactment of business
ethics regulations
We always do our best for our customers, and our focus is on them.
We do our best to prevent accidents and environmental pollution.
We strive for continuous improvement in the areas of ethics, labor, quality, environment, and health and safety.
We create a company culture in which all employees can work safely and happily.
Cyber Audit Office
We receive reports on areas requiring improvement, such as unethical behavior of our employees and
unreasonable or unfair business practices.
We request your active involvement and assistance for us to develop a transparent, ethical management system
and a mature, win-win relationship.
The information you provide will be kept confidential, and you must report using your real name.
Report to
031. 737. 6464
031. 717. 5988
Management Support Team, Unit 803, SICOX Tower, 484 Dunchon-daero, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13229, Republic of Korea
What to Report
Unfair transaction conduct resulting from academic or regional ties
Misuse and solicitation of employees
Acts that violate societal standards, such as
corruption, unfairness,
the giving or receiving
of money, possessions, or entertainment
Sexual harassment in the workplace and
demeaning behavior
Improvement of systems relating to fair
trade or breaches of laws
Other violations of the code of ethics
Protection System
Valueplus will fulfill its commitment to safeguarding whistleblowers by implementing stringent security measures in order to ensure effective compliance with business ethics.

What Are Protected
Identity of the informant
Evidence offered by the informant or data gathered
in relation to the reportThings that may indicate the suspect
Follow-up procedures upon reporting

Protection Policy
The identity of the informant and the contents of the
report are kept confidential, and the reporting system
is safeguarded by a robust security mechanism. -
A restricted number of individuals who have pledged to
strictly maintain the secrecy of the reported information
handle and process the reports. -
We will prevent any adverse action or penalty from being
taken on the informant. -
If you disclose corruption or illegality involving yourself,
the situation will be handled in accordance with suitable

Prohibition of Detrimental Actions
When it has been reported to the appropriate authorities
that a person has violated fair trade regulations In the event of a request for consultation and mediation
prior to conflict resolution with the companyIn the event of an issue with the company's
“reporting system”